Venom Lures GRUBS

Producer Smallmouth Grub

5" Piggy Grub

1" Super Swimmers Curly Grubs

2" Super Swimmers Curly Grubs

With A Unique “Select-A-Size” Body And Ultra Thin Pin-Tail, The New Venom Mousies Are Ready To “GET BIT!” Starting At A Total Length of 1.7”, This Bait Is Easily Shortened By Simply Removing One or More of The Body Segments, For When “Down-Sizing” Is needed for Pressured or Finicky Fish. We’ve Even Included Two Different Size Jigs Inside Each Pack For Rigging Full-Sized Baits and Shortened Baits (Everything You Need To Tie On And Catch Fish). Drop Them Through The Ice Or Shoot’em Under Docks In Open Water…..The Crappie And Bluegill Won’t Know What Hit’em!
Size: 20pk 1.7” + 2 Jigs 1/64oz.
Ashton Chase, a longtime Venom Lures enthusiast, made 15 Monofilament Recycling bins for his Eagle Scout project. As part of his commitment to environmental conservation, he proposed, got approved, and installed monofilament recycling bins at...